New from Stockton's Social Worker Continuing Education Program "Understanding the Spectrum of Eating Disordered Behaviors" Certificate Series
In honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2024, Stockton is announcing our new certificate series in this important work. This five-part series, beginning April 26, 2024, will feature 12.5 Clinical CEUs for mental health professionals in NJ, NY, PA, MA, CT, MD, and VA.
Dates & Times:
Fridays, 4/26 to 6/14/24
· 4/26/2024 (required)
· 5/3/2024 (required)
· 5/17/2024
· 5/31/2024
· 6/14/2024
All meetings are held:
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Live on Zoom
CEUs for Professionals:
12.5 Clinical Practice CEUs in NJ, PA, NY, MA, CT, MD, and VA.
See more below on Stockton's CEUs and approved states.
Full Description: Stockton’s new “Understanding the Spectrum of Eating Disordered Behaviors” Certificate Series, taught by Suzanne Rubinetti, LCSW, features five workshops to address the many aspects of clinical work within the eating disorders. Each workshop is 2.5 hours long, and will focus on various aspects of disordered eating, OCD, family/social dynamics, Orthorexia, and Intuitive Eating. Clinicians in this series will learn the definitions, clinical presentations of the spectrum of eating disorders (via DSM 5), and clinical treatment strategies. Participants will also hear case study examples, learn how to include CBT, exposure therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and mindfulness in treatment, and develop realistic recovery goals with clients. With many overlapping challenges in disordered eating and obsessive compulsive disorder, this series will begin with a 2-part “Eating Disorders & OCD” component which is required for completing the remaining sections of the program. Clinicians who do not complete the first two meetings will not be permitted to complete the series. This series is appropriate for all level clinicians working with both adult and adolescent populations.
· Meeting 1 - Eating Disorders and OCD: Part 1 (4/26/24)
· Meeting 2 - Eating Disorders and OCD: Part 2 (5/3/24) - Eating disorders and OCD are two extremely complicated illnesses and their symptoms often overlap. This two-part, lecture-based training will contain a comprehensive understanding of the overlap, and serve as mandatory “introductory workshops” for this certificate series. Participants will learn a broader understanding of the complexities in treating OCD co-occurring with eating disorders. Participants will also have a greater understanding of how to treat eating disorder symptoms, and identify important elements in a comprehensive treatment plan. Exposure therapy and desensitization will be discussed. Breakout discussion rooms, interactive exercises, role playing, and case material will be used to further increase learning. Please note: Attendance for the first two sessions (Eating Disorders and OCD Parts 1 and 2) will be required to complete the certificate program.
· Meeting 3 - Orthorexia (5/17/24) - Orthorexia was defined in 1998, and means an obsession with proper or healthy eating. While it is not a DSM 5 diagnosed illness, in the last 5 years, the symptoms of orthorexia have surged and can have dangerous side effects. It is critical for clinicians to understand the complications of this disorder. In this course we will define what Orthorexia is and why it is such a complex disorder. Using lecture, case illustrations, video clips, role play and small group discussions we will look at the differences between orthorexia and other eating disorders and discuss treatment strategies.
· Meeting 4 - Intuitive Eating (5/31/24) - Recently there has been an abundance of information on intuitive and mindful eating. The two are different and the learning process is challenging. Intuitive eating is a multi-layered practice that can only be successful if a detailed inquiry of an individual's "food story" is understood by the practitioner. This course will examine the process and participants will learn how to conduct a detailed food history with their clients as well as learn other useful skills. We will also explore the reasons why the development of intuitive eating is so challenging, and illustrate it using detailed case examples. This workshop will include lecture, interactive exercises on mindful eating, video clips and discussion.
· Meeting 5 - Intergenerational Food Trauma (6/14/24) - Taking the time to understand the depth of historical traumas that have involved significant food and eating issues in the generations in a family provides critical information for the treatment of eating disorders. Conducting a detailed food inquiry and exploration of the food story through generations critically impacts treatment goals. This course will address sensitive topics such as genocide and long-term cultural/religious/family food behaviors resulting from surviving these traumatic events. In this workshop you will learn how to gather all the food history, important cultural information, and prepare realistic treatment goals.
CEUs/Contact Hours: 12.5 Hours Clinical Practice